The Future is Here!

In the 1960's, The Jetsons, an animated show (we still called them cartoons back then) showed life in the 21st century - push button magic, everything easier - until the humans mess things up. The title of this blog is from the opening sequence - when George gets stuck on the automatic dog-walking treadmill. Sometimes I think social media is like that show - a wonderful move into the future, but dragging along enough human nature to mess things up every now and then.
This blog was created for Dr. Frechette's Social Media class; if you are reading this for examples, assignments are in the posts for 2012 - later posts are simply additional examples of the wisdom that comes with age.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Burger King Twitter Account Hacked

I still don't get Twitter. I  have yet to find someone/something I am intereseted enough in to follow on Twitter, and when I read stories like this one on I am even more puzzled. I did find the following comment on the article most amusing:

Lawrence Godsey
PRO: 30% more Burger King Twitter followers!

CON: They are the kind of damaged people who would subscribe to a fast food Twitter account.

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